
Showing posts from June, 2012

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Super Cooper's Birthday

Our Sweet, Super Cooper turned the big 3 in April!  I know I sound like a Hallmark Card, but these years are going by way too fast.   I feel like just yesterday I was trying to keep Max from being too rough with his newborn brother and now it's the other way around.  Birthday always call for celebrations and we definitely celebrated this one.  Cooper's birthday was actually on Easter Sunday this year.  What a special day we all had.  We hosted a wonderful Easter/Birthday lunch with all his grandparents and Aunt and Uncle Presely.  It was a day that started with opening the Easter gifts of cars for the boys and dolls for Piper and ended up building a huge train track in the den with birthday gifts.  Cooper was given tons of train track and all 3 kids received one remote control train.  The boys spend hours putting the track in different configurations.  It's better than Legos for them.   It was a just a relaxed day with family and birthday cake.   Just like Max's