First Day of Preschool!
Both Max and Cooper had their first day of preschool yesterday and I think they were just as excited as I was. They only go two days a week, but it will be so good for them. Cooper was so excited about getting to take his new backpack. He kept saying backpack over and over. I'm sorry most of the pictures are not in focus. They just move so fast!
Memories of this exciting day...
- I love their matching outfits!
- and matching backpacks...
- and matching lunchboxes
- So cute that their bears are hanging out of their backpacks.
- Cooper wanted to brush his hair and belly before getting out of the car,
- Max had to fix his new shoes before getting out.
- They both walked into the building so independently...I'm so proud!
- Cooper did cry a little when I dropped him off, but quickly began playing with one of his teachers.
- Max walked into his classroom, put his backpack in his cubby, and began playing. He barely even looked up to say bye. I really am so thankful that he wanted to be there!
- When I picked them up I got two of the biggest hugs! Max kept saying, "Hi Mommy, Hi Mommy!" over and over.