5th week...

Yes I know I haven't posted anything in a while and I've already skipped one Holiday and it's almost the next one already. We have been battling colds for 5 plus weeks now. Two and a half weeks ago we found out the boys have ear infections. Monday I took them back to the doc because Coop had a fever...found out they still have the ear infections. We have now started them on their second round of antibiotics. Cooper's fever has still not gone away and Max woke up this morning with a fever and the chills. So I called Jeff at work and asked him if he could help me take the kids back to the doc. (2nd time in 3 days). He is wonderful, so after working only one hour he drove home to help us all out. Two and a half hours at the doc's office later we found out the boys also have the flu on top of their ear infections. Our kitchen counter is beginning to look like a pharmacy. They will feel better soon...they have to. Right at this very moment all 3 of my men are napping. Cooper is peacfully in his crib in the nursery and Jeff and Max are in separte twin beds in Max's room having a snoring contest...no joke.


Wendi said…
I am sooo sorry! That is awful. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you guys out.

Can't wait for GG to regroup in January. It's been great getting to know you guys.

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