
Showing posts from May, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

We found them...the wild things...and we saw some animals at the zoo. Jeffrey and I took the boys on their first trip to the zoo! It was so much fun that we ending up getting zoo memberships so we can go all year long. Max needed a nap, but instead of being fussy he was unusually calm and relaxed. I think he liked the birds and monkeys the best. Every time he saw a bird he pointed and tried to say tweet tweet and when we came upon a monkey he would point and get a huge smile. What else did we see? We saw elephants, giraffes, lions, prairie dogs, and even camels. The camels tried give me a kiss, but Max saved me from that smelly beast. Did Cooper enjoy the trip? Oh yes he did. He got a great nap in the warm sun rolling around in his stroller, but he was not the only one that fell asleep. By the end of the trip we had two relaxed boys tucked safely away. On the way home we stopped by our friends house where Max and Luke took a dip in the pool. They are such good pals. Luke...

Royal Throne

What does Henry the VIII, Queen Elizabeth, and Max Donald all have in common? They have all graced a royal throne! Yes that is correct, Max is now royal according to his new Fisher Price potty. His new potty is complete with a crown shaped potty seat and 4 royal songs that will play with he deposits his royal gifts. His Royal Highness prefers his new throne in the living room where he can watch his cartoons and eat a snack. (Sounds like any man's dream.) In fact, when he finds it in the bathroom he quickly carries it back to the living room. It will be some time until he realizes the awesomeness of his new throne, but he is definitely getting acquainted with it now. Mommy and Daddy can't wait for that day to come!

Weekend Roadtrip

We took the boys on a road trip up to Johnson City and Elizabethton last weekend. We were able to visit lots of friends including Grammy and Papa, Julie and Andrew, and even Luke and his mom-Janette. We had lots of fun visiting everyone, but the best part was watching Jeff and Max swim. They had so much fun in that cold water! Thanks everyone for letting us visit you!


Babies change everything! That is the ultimate understatement. I found a picture of me my sophmore year of college on a mission trip to Vancouver. It is amazing how rested I looked. There wasn't any spit up or ketchup on me. My hair was fixed and I even had make-up on! (Not to mention some odd pounds lighter.) I showed Jeff the picture and he lovingly said that the only difference between the picture and now is that I use to shower and wear make up daily. He was joking...but oh too true. Babies also change some aspects of a marriage. We use to go out for ice cream at 10pm or play cards all hours of the night. We were spontaneous and full of life. Now we are still up at all hours of the night, but it is to comfort and feed our two darlings. We are still spontaneous, but it just takes us a day to prepare for it. One thing is still true, we are definitely full of life. We have doubled our family and with that comes double the laughs and double the fun times-there are ju...

Fun Times

I think it has rained for almost 2 months straight. I may be exagerating but not by much. BUT...we did have alteast one sunny day and this is a picture is proof. This was our first playdate with both boys! We had alot of fun. Max played with a water toy along with the other toddlers while Cooper slept in multiple ladies arms. I have to admit that Cooper was the star of the party. (Two of the moms are pregos and two others want to be.) Both boys and I enjoyed spending time with friends in the sun.

Sunday Sundaes

Sunday before last (you can tell how behind I am in my blogging) Jeff and I needed a treat and what better than an ice cream sundae on a Sunday! We met my parents at Baskin Robins and had a tasty time. Cooper was very well behaved the whole time. He slept. Max was also good, but he could not sit still with all the excitement. He walked all around the ice cream shop and then outside it too. That kid is always on the go. We are going to have to do this trip again!

New Kisses

Max just loves his new brother. He enjoys touching and looking and even giving a few kisses here and there to his new bro. And... Cooper tolerates Max's new found affection very well. I will need to keep this picture to prove to them that they do love each other when they start to fight like all brothers do.

Nap Time!

Nap time is a priceless and once it's gone it can never be replicated again on that particular day. Normally during nap time Max goes to sleep, I nurse Cooper, and then attempt get Cooper to sleep to so that I can either rest or catch up on chores. Today was a different story. Max did nap...YEAH! Cooper did get full...but refused to take a nap. Two out of three isn't too bad. Oh well, change of plans. Super Coop and I went on the front porch and while he "rested" with Grover I ate cake and drank a Starbucks energy drink to help me get through the rest of the day. Yes, we did think about doing the laundry (hince the adorable pic)...but we both deceided that the sun deserved to be enjoyed. It wasn't that bad of a nap time after all.

Mother's Day-Saturday Shindig

Family is such a blessing! I know there are moments that I want to pull my hair out or just sit down and cry...along with the boys, but I would have it no other way. Jeff and feel so blessed to have 2 healthy boys, grandparents, great-grands cousins, aunts, and uncles loving us. This mother's day weekend we were blessed to have Jim and Jan come for the weekend. They always help out so much! Jan fixed us the most wonderful meals and Jim helped Jeff put up ceiling fans in both of the boy's rooms among other random projects. Saturday we has a really fun dinner with Jim and Jan and my parents (Steve and Carol). We started off the afternoon with a Mario Cart Marathon...oh yes even my mom and Jan participated! It was really funny trying to show them how to use the Wii remotes! Our dinner was oh so good....pork and fruit and salad and more! But of all the good treats and fun times our entertainment was definitely Max Man. He paraded through the house wearing a bright Hawaii...

Cool Dude!

Yes, I am a cool dude!

Luke...I am your Friend!

"Today my friend Luke came to my house to play with me! We had so much fun running around the house and playing with balls and cars and even bowls. We had a good snack and lunch together. My favorite part was playing in my box together! Mom says that we look like we are getting into trouble...we would never...hehe. It was a fun day together playing and learning to share my toys. Mom says I have to learn how to share because Cooper will want to play with my toys too soon. I guess I will try it." P.S. I told mom what to type...Max

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Everyone sleeps in their own special position. When I was pregnant, I had to sleep on my side...but then my side would fall asleep so I would switch sides...then repeat the process. Whoo, I'm glad I'm not prego anymore! Jeff likes to toss from side to belly to back. Max prefers to sleep on his belly with his knees pulled under himself and his lovie of choice tucked under his arm. Cooper has just learned that he does not have to sleep on his back if he doesn't want to. In fact he just learned that he can roll onto his side to catch a few zzzs. [We do, of course, try to keep him on his back to sleep (this is known to prevent SIDS), but this little guy has a mind of his own-already.] You know with all the sleeping that goes on in this house why in the world do I feel so tired?

A Baby Shower

Sunday our friends from church gave Cooper a baby shower-a double shower for our new friend Sophie too! Yes our friends Christy and Chad had their precious little Sophie the Saturday before Cooper made his grand entrance. We had a fun cookout complete with hamburgers, hot-dogs, and chicken! The kids ran around and the adults got to talk...yes even I got to communicate with someone over the age of 1. Max even made up his own game by filling daddy's cup with ice from the drink bucket. Wow did he have fun making that mess. Our friends are wonderful! They gave us a wonderful party and special gifts for Cooper. He will be styling in all his new cloths this summer!

Cooper's Due Date Party!

Cooper made it to his due date....3 and 1/2 weeks later! We celebrated by letting Max spend the night with his C.C., Granddad, and Annie Jo while we took Cooper to his first Thai dinner. Daddy and Mommy had a great time enjoying the quiet dinner while Cooper slept his celebration dinner away. I feel so blessed to have gotten to spend the last month with him. It is a month that we were not suppose to have gotten.