Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Everyone sleeps in their own special position. When I was pregnant, I had to sleep on my side...but then my side would fall asleep so I would switch sides...then repeat the process. Whoo, I'm glad I'm not prego anymore! Jeff likes to toss from side to belly to back. Max prefers to sleep on his belly with his knees pulled under himself and his lovie of choice tucked under his arm.

Cooper has just learned that he does not have to sleep on his back if he doesn't want to. In fact he just learned that he can roll onto his side to catch a few zzzs.

[We do, of course, try to keep him on his back to sleep (this is known to prevent SIDS), but this little guy has a mind of his own-already.]

You know with all the sleeping that goes on in this house why in the world do I feel so tired?


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