Nap Time!

Nap time is a priceless and once it's gone it can never be replicated again on that particular day. Normally during nap time Max goes to sleep, I nurse Cooper, and then attempt get Cooper to sleep to so that I can either rest or catch up on chores. Today was a different story. Max did nap...YEAH! Cooper did get full...but refused to take a nap. Two out of three isn't too bad. Oh well, change of plans. Super Coop and I went on the front porch and while he "rested" with Grover I ate cake and drank a Starbucks energy drink to help me get through the rest of the day. Yes, we did think about doing the laundry (hince the adorable pic)...but we both deceided that the sun deserved to be enjoyed. It wasn't that bad of a nap time after all.


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