Our Son!
14 days 12 hours and 45 minutes until we board an airplane bound for China!!!! We are so very excited to hold our son, Theo, and tell him that he has a family forever. He has a daddy who will hug him, tickle, rough house with him. He has a mama who will hold him, rock him, and sing to him. Theo also has 5 siblings who are beyond excited to meet him.
My mind wants to say so much right now. I've typed and backspaced about 5 times now and just can't put words to my emotions right now. It might be because I'm fighting a cold or that I'm about to be a mama to 6!
Theodore Jiangting Bostrom is 4.5 years old and he is beyond precious! We have two short videos of him and 7 photos. That's it! We have worn out those photos these last 10 months.
Well...basically check back here in 14 days 12 hours and now 32 minutes and we will post our adventure getting our Theo here.
My mind wants to say so much right now. I've typed and backspaced about 5 times now and just can't put words to my emotions right now. It might be because I'm fighting a cold or that I'm about to be a mama to 6!
Theodore Jiangting Bostrom is 4.5 years old and he is beyond precious! We have two short videos of him and 7 photos. That's it! We have worn out those photos these last 10 months.
Well...basically check back here in 14 days 12 hours and now 32 minutes and we will post our adventure getting our Theo here.