Train to Zhengzhou

Sunday February 21st 2016
    Today we started out with another wonderful breakfast in Beijing at the Jianguo Hotel.  We left for the bullet train station at 8:30.  We had a half hour drive to the station and waited for our 2.5hr train.  We enjoyed the view during our 305 km/hr train ride.  Once in Zhengzhou (Henan Province) we were met with a sign that said Jeff and Jim Bostrom.  Danielle is our guide while here picking up Jasper.  We were taken to our hotel and shown where to can find the stores we need.  We just snacked for lunch.  Power bars cucumber flavored Lays Chips…  We later wondered the mall and settled for a coffee at Kapiluwak Coffee.  After more wandering we went to a noodle restaurant called Master Kong Chef’s Table.  I had a Korean spicy beef noodle dish and dad had a beef and rice dish.  We picked up a few items for us and Jasper from Walmart and are ready for tomorrow.  We love you Jasper!!!  Less than 12 hours till you are in my arms.




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