Our Forever Son!

It's as simple and as complex as "God said to go back to China" and that's what we are doing!  Just 12 months from bringing our darling Miley home from China, we heard the call to go back.  Please allow me to introduce you to our soon-to-be-son, Jasper Jiahe Bostrom!  He is a darling 4 year old boy and I cannot wait to hug him!  These are 4 of the 8 photos we have of our son.  We have had two updates from his orphanage including his current weight, development, etc.  We are so thankful and treasure those tiny pieces of our boy.  Jeff will travel to China this time with his dad, Jim.  I will stay back home with our other 4 darlings to keep life stable for them.  They will leave Feburary 17, 2016; the day we have prayed for for months!  Feel free to come back daily and read about Jeff's journey adopting our son.  He will be emailing me updates and photos whenever he is able and I will post them here. 


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