Medical Appointment Day

February 26, 2016

 Today was the day for the doctors visit for our exit visas.  After our wonderful breakfast all 15 families piled into the bus and headed for the clinic.  First we took the visa photos in the lobby.  After the photos we all rode up to the 5th floor.  Jasper had to go through 4 stations.  First was the nurses station for weight and height.  Next was the ENT.  Jasper grits his teeth anytime you try to get in his mouth.  Don't think the Dr. saw anything in his mouth.  Was glad he was not insisting on a better look.  Next we went to the general review, and finally the TB test.  They do not let parents in the room during the blood draw for the TB test.  Many kids came out screaming, but some like Jasper showed no emotion.  They have rarely been comforted for pain, and therefore don't know to cry.  After the appointments we went to a “super market”.  I purchased a few random things, but needed only wipes.  After we were back to the hotel, we went for a walk though the alley shops and an authentic Guangzhou meat market.  Our guide later took the group to dinner at our favorite restaurant from our last trim to China.


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