Go Day!!!

We have been counting down the days for almost 2 weeks now!  Our countdown calendar says it's "Go Day"!!!!

This is the short and sweet message Jeff emailed me the night they finally landed...after a 13 hour flight and traveling to their hotel in Beijing.
Not much to update.  Our plane left from Chicago to Beijing about 2 hours late.  We landed in Beijing around 5:30.  We didn't make it to the hotel until about 7:30pm.  Ready for a wonderful cool day touring Tiananmen square, forbidden city, and the Hutong Tour tomorrow.  There are quite few families here.  Will have a more exciting update in your AM.  Tonight we eat HOT POT.

love you,
Can you tell he is completely exhausted!  The important thing is that they made it safely!

Jeff decided that he would take photos of the stuffed "Pluto" everywhere he goes before getting Jasper.  He will give it to our darling oh so soon!




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