First day of touring

The night after Jeff and Jim landed, they were able to sleep....some.  They woke up the next morning around 3:30 am.  It's so hard to change your body clock!  I'm sure they were excited, but their bodies were worn out.  This is what Jeff sent me today.  I hope you enjoy.

Friday February 19th 2016
    We woke up around 3:30am as the Jet lag was still in full effect.  Eventually we went for a morning walk before breakfast opened at 6am.  Breakfast was great complete with espresso, bacon, eggs, steamed rolls, pork buns, danishes, doughnut sticks and more.  Once over-filled we met the bus at 7:30 for our trip to Tienanmen Square.  The weather was cold but beautiful.  We learned about the history and Chairman Mao.  Once through the square we continued to the Forbidden City.  The crowds were not too bad.  It was fun to see the amazing structure again.  After this we went on to the Hutong Tour (Old Traditional Chinese houses) complete with a rickshaw ride.  Enjoyed watching the bike peddlers struggle pulling some of the American men up the very shallow hills.  After the entertaining rickshaw ride, we were able to eat in an actual families house.  It was the same one that Miley, Rebecca, and I ate at not too long ago.  Finally we went to a tea house where we were taught how to properly prepare the different types of tea, complete with the little clay boy that pees when the water is hot enough.  Yea you will have to just ask me about that or come see the little peeing boy I bought our kids :).  The group then went back to our hotel.  The evening was wonderful.  We were able to meet up with my cousin Joel and his wife Alice who live in Beijing.  We had a wonderful local Beijing dinner.  You can see the chicken in the picture.  Now I am exhausted and need some sleep to climb the Great Wall in the morning.  Thanks for all the prayers back home.  Cant wait till I get to hold Jasper!!!


Anonymous said…
Jeff looks so tired. I hope he gets a good night sleep. Praying for you Jeff! (and your dad)

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