Day 17: August 11, 2014

Day 17: August 11, 2014     


  Today was the big US consulate appointment day!  We got all dressed up per our agencies recommendation and excitement for the important day.  Jeff and I wore the same clothes we did on Gothcha Day, but sweet Miley wore a beautiful red floral traditional Chinese dress.  She was beautiful!  Before our consulate appointment, we had to do a quick stop by the doctor’s office for the physician to make sure that Miley and a few other kids didn’t show any signs of Chicken Pox.  Thankfully he cleared everyone good to travel to the US!!!!

            The actual consulate appointment was very informal and quick.  One parent, Jeff in our case, repeated an oath basically saying that everything that we wrote in our paperwork is correct to the best of our ability; then an officer called each family up individually and asked to see our “clear envelope” of papers that we had previously organized; and lastly one parent had to be fingerprinted as a proof that he had taken the oath.  It was a no-stress process.  We were very thankful.  There are so many stressful and painful parts to adoption, but this appointment was not one of them.

            We did experience a bit (or a lot) of heart pains today, because as we are getting ready for sleep tonight our first born, Max, is starting his first day of the 1st grade back in the States.  I have really been strong this whole trip until today.  I have missed the kids terribly, but had not cried over it probably because I’ve been so busy.  Today it all became real what I’m missing back home.  I know that he and the rest of our children are being cared for amazingly by family and I also know that it’s just one day…but I am his mommy and I won’t to be there for him.  Tomorrow (the 12th) our second son, Cooper, will be starting Kindergarten and I’m sure I will cry about that too.  We were able to talk to Max and the rest of the kids tonight (their morning) before he went to school via skype and we was so happy.  He showed us which outfit he picked out and was very proud of his clothes.  (I’m so glad that I was able to take him school shopping before we left.)  My sister took him to school and was able to skype us the whole car ride to school.  I absolutely loved seeing his smile tonight!  I CANNOT wait to hold my babies again.  Two and a half weeks is too long.

            On the other hand, this long extended time in China has been wonderful for Miley and us to get to know each other and to start the bonding process.  As much as I want to be home with my children, I honestly would not have given up this time with our MIley Mengcong!  I guess it’s a bittersweet time for everyone.

            Tonight is our last night in Guangzhou and I still have to look up how to spell the cities name every time I type it!  We spent it with our new friends at a new restaurant.  Bet you can’t guess what kind of food we had…Chinese!  The food was wonderful like always and the company even better.  God gave us the best group of families to travel with.  We were able to travel with the same two other families for almost our whole trip.  These two families adopted their children from the same orphanage that we adopted Miley.  One of the boys adopted was even in Miley’s same “class/play room”.  The other three families we were able to get to know in Beijing a bit and a lot more here in Guangzhou.  It’s so crazy, but we have something in common with almost every family…besides adoption of course.  It has really made our time in China even more wonderful.  I hope we are able to stay in touch in some way.

            Tomorrow we will get Miley’s travel visa and then will head to Hong Kong around 4pm.  In Hong Kong we will check into our airport hotel.  The next morning bright and early we will start our LONG LONG flight back home.  Our flight will go from Hong Kong to Seattle to Atlanta and finally to KNOXVILLE!!!  Can’t wait!


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