Becoming a Mom

The past few days have been more than a challenge, they have been almost a turning point in my life. This has been my first experience taking care of two boys when one is very sick. Max woke up Wednesday morning with a low grade fever and as the day progressed he got worse. By about 4:30pm he was at 104 degrees. That was a long night of rocking my sweet boy. Cooper thankfully slept really well that night. Yesterday I thought the worse was over. Max was playing almost back at full strength with his cars down his "car ramp" otherwise known as a slide, but by about 3pm his fever shot up again. Thankfully this time we were at his doctor's office for his 18 month checkup...perfect timing! So we went home with the knowledge that he did indeed have a virus and to try to keep Cooper from getting it. When the boys and I got back home both of them needed me. Cooper was hungry and sleepy and Max just needed his mommy. So as I sat on the couch holding my extremely hot son with one arm and rocking my sleepy one in his bouncy chair with my foot and all the while singing "Skin-na-ma-rinky-dinky-dink" it came to me that I am becoming a mom. Yes, I have been a mother sense December 29, 2007 at 10:28pm, but not a mommy until I comforted my boys with a simply embrace and a song. I just love this!


Julia said…
Were you at my house that day? That scene sounds so familiar! :) Isn't it funny the moments that really matter?

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