Day 15: August 9, 2014

Day 15: August 9, 2014

            Today on our agenda was to visit a folk art museum.  It was nice to walk around and look at some traditional Chinese art.  The embroidery was amazing, but the most interesting was the “palm painting”.  The artist actually uses his hands to paint beautiful pieces.  We purchased a small paining of some bamboo with five panda bears.  It reminds us of our bamboo girl.  Our adoption agency has named the group of wonderful children with Down syndrome the Bamboo group.  Bamboo will always have a special place in our hearts and home now with our Miley girl! 

            We also visited a Buddhist temple.  Honestly it was really sad be there.   It’s human nature to worship something greater than oneself, I just wish those people knew the God who created the materials and people who built those Buda’s.  One a funny note, our little Miley is getting quite a little Buda belly herself with all the amazing food we have been eating!  She is no longer a tiny orphan!

            What stuck me the most today was that for the first time since getting our Miley it seems like she is really attaching to us.   She has been happy with us and loves it when we hold and tickle her, but tonight was different.  She fell asleep in the stroller while Jeff and I took a walk around a park.  She woke up right as I tried to put her in her crib in our hotel room.  So just like I did for my other sweet babies, I put my hand on her chest and patted her softly.  She would relax and close her eye, but then she would open her eyes again just to make sure I was still there.  It was such an amazing feeling.  She has been our daughter since December 26th when we were officially matched with her, but today it seems like she has accepted and wanted us to be her forever mommy and daddy. 

            This is such an amazing journey…to quote my daddy’s favorite saying.


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