Day 12: August 6, 2014

Day 12: August 6, 2014

            Today was another big travel day…not too exciting but good.  We woke up early and finished packing our bags before our little empress woke up then rushed down to grab some breakfast.  Jeff asked the concierge to call us a cab and while we waiting I ran to the front desk and asked them to write in Chinese “airport-terminal 2”.  Thankfully we had that written down because our cab driver didn’t speak English.  We enjoyed our last taxi ride in Beijing and made it to the airport.  Somehow we make it though check in and security without knowing the language.  It’s amazing how we have learned to communicate without words.  Our plane was the biggest in the world, 8380 China Southern Air.  There are only 5 of them in the world.  It was quite impressive.  After sitting on the tar mat for over an hour Miley fell asleep and totally missed the take off.  She did great while we were flying until the landing.  She never cried but got very nervous and squeezed our hands as we landed. 

            We are now in Guangzhou and what is amazing here is the heat!  We are almost the same latitude as Mexico City and the humidity is unbelievable!  We  met up with our group again at the hotel and found a restaurant together.  Jeff and Tim (another adopting dad here) hand picked a fish out of the tanks and the waiter used a net and got it out.  It only flapped on the floor for a few minutes before being cooked.  What a fun place China is!  Dinners seems to be such an experience where ever we go.  After dinner we just walked around where tons of street venders were and I found the cutest “squeaky” shoes for Miley girl for $7 US)…… and some McDonald’s ice cream.

            That was basically all we did today…short and sweet!


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