Day 11: August 5, 2014

Day 11:  August 5, 2014


  Today was another exciting day exploring Beijing with our newest daughter.  Today we enjoyed our hotel’s wonderful breakfast and then went off to walk around all the skyscrapers that are in Beijing.  We only ventured a block and a half from the hotel, because we were afraid of not being able to find our way back.  There is some English on signs in this city, but it’s still a confusing place for foreigners.    We went into a “All Day Walgreens” that served food similar style to the way Subway serves food, but not sandwiches of course.  We were looking for lotion for Miley girl, but couldn’t find any there.  Apparently Walgreens are different here.  For lunch we went to the Mexican restaurant that Jeff found a few days ago.  It was funny for some reason to see our China girl eating refried beans.  Not sure why, but it was. 

            We met Joel around 4:30 at our hotel and he took us on the subway to an art district where we met up with Alice.  The art district was crawling with tourist.  We loved it!  There were tons of tourist type shops mixed in with stores for the locals like a store that was owned by a British man who prints shirts of old vintage Chinese signs or propaganda.  Alice had to explain the meaning behind the shirts.  It has been wonderful learning about China’s history and even better through “pop tee-shirt art”.  After some light shopping, they took us to a little place that serves drinks and desserts.  Kind of like a coffee shop back home.  It was so eclectic and old.  This country has so much more history than the U.S. that it seems like everything is old…like centuries old.  I really love it here.  I’m starting to see why Joel moved here and why Alice returned from London.  So the waiter first brought us a cup of water and a couple of weeks ago, Jeff and I would not have touched it, but Joel and Alice drank it so we did too.   I ordered a papaya smoothie (that I shared with little miss) and Jeff ordered a homemade ginger ale.  Both were really good, but Jeff’s ginger ale was amazing!  Alice also ordered a dessert that the shop is known for.  It was like a square white jelly type dessert that floated in some kind of syrup.  It looked strange to us, but was really tasty.  When our snacks were finished we left for the restaurant.  Joel led us down an old dirty alley (that we would have never gone down on our own) and though a door that had a red lantern hanging above it (signifying a restaurant).  The restaurant was in a Hutan style home that was converted to a restaurant.  It was a families home long ago when families all lived together.  The tables, mostly in the courtyard, were coved in white linen table clothes.  There was a fountain behind our table and white Christmas tree lights stung around.  They were playing some familiar American blues/jazz style music that set the mood beautifully.  We ordered our drink and then they started bringing us food.  Guests don’t choose their food here, whatever is fresh and the chief wants to cook is what everyone eats.  We had an abundance of delicious foods.  We had spicy chicken, beef, fish with head, tail and all, lots of vegetables that I’ve never seen before, and goat cheese that had been baked with some kind of spices on top.  This restaurant specializes in Southwester Chinese food.  It tasted different from the all the other kinds of Chinese food we have been eating.   It was a beautiful night with family.  Miley was amazing once again.  She sat in a regular chair between Jeff and I, ate everything we gave her, and waved at strangers demanding their attention (which they gracious gave).  After many laughs, Joel and Alice once again put us on a cab and we all said goodbye. 

            It was a perfect night.  I’m so glad that Miley has a Chinese Aunt (and uncle).  We are hoping to stay in touch with them and maybe they can help us keep some China alive for Miley when we are back in Tennessee.  


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