Day One -- Knoxville to China - It's going to be a Loooooooong day!

July 25-26: Day 1
We have now been awake respectably for 25 hours and counting.  We woke up at 5am Friday July 25th and enjoyed our last snuggles with our kids before leaving for China.   The night before we left the boys had a very difficult time.  They understood that we are going to be away for a long time and took it really hard.  Piper, on the other hand, was just excited that her cousin Caroline was visiting for a few days.  The morning we left, the kids were very brave and even though they were sad, I really think they were excited about Miley finally coming home.  My mom picked us up at our house and took us to the airport.  We flew from Knoxville to Detroit then Detroit to Shanghai….a very very long 15 hour flight!  

We are staying in the airport hotel in Shanghai right now.  We went back into the airport to try to find dinner.  We found a food court and since we can't speak Mandrine, we pointed to what we wanted on the menu and hoped it was good.  It was definitely interesting.  We then went to buy some bottled water from a little snack shop in the airport.  After paying for them, we tried out some Mandrine and said "She she" (thank you) and the lady smiled and said "Gracias!"  It was really funny.  I guess we all look the same.  

When we were still in the U.S. we got lots of photos texts from our Brother and Sister-in-law who so sweetly took our kids to Dollywood the day we left.  I’m sure they had a great time.  I know I am either rambling or not writing enough, but I’m so tired I can’t think straight.  Tomorrow we will meet our guide and another adoptive family in the lobby and then take a bullet train to Jinan.  We will stay in Jinan Sunday night and the next morning we should get our Miley!!!  It’s not long now!!


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