Day 5, July 30, 2014
Day 5, July 30, 2014
Today we got the opportunity to visit Miley’s orphanage and
meet her foster mother. It was a very
big and pretty nice place. Our guide
said they have anywhere from 600 to 800 orphans there right now. Kind of a big range, but he’s probably
guessing since he doesn’t work there directly.
Her foster mother seemed very kind and wanted to hold Miley. Miley smiled at her while she was being
held. It was sweet to see that her first
caregiver really seemed to care about her.
Her first question through the interpreter was if she was crying a lot
while away from the orphanage. She
hasn’t cried much at all! Maybe she just
isn’t use to us yet and can’t relax enough to cry (it’s only been 2 days right)
or maybe God has been working on her little heart and preparing her for us and
she knows she is home. She did cry a
few short minutes this evening because she was overly tired. (She did eat 1 piece of Papa Johns pepperoni
pizza before crying though…hehe. Yes we
are already tired of Chinese food and it’s only day 5!)
The orphanage is about an hour outside of the busy part of
the city Jinan. It is in a very
beautiful location. It seems peaceful
and I am thankful that Miley hasn’t lived her first 3 years of life listening
to horns honking in the city. The
outside of the orphanage is painted pastel pink, blue, and green. It is very cheerful in an 80’s kind of
way…hehe. There are small playgrounds
and even large sandboxes scattered in different areas of the campus. I did see animal footprints in the
sandbox…here’s to hoping it was a pet dog.
Miley’s foster family lived in an apartment on the orphanage campus very
close to the classrooms and other kids rooms.
It has simple, but very cheerful and nice. It has “L” shaped couch that was very low to
the ground. I’m sure it was very child
friendly. Her foster mother showed me
the room and bed where Miley slept. She
put Miley in the bed and talked to her a little bit and Miley seemed very
comfortable there. We didn’t get much
time in her foster home. I would have
loved to stay for a while and try to get to know her first family, but we were
rushed out by our guide after about 10 minutes.
Before we left, I tried to show her the photo album that we brought for
her. I tired to explain to her that
Miley has 3 siblings who are so excited about her and that I included our
address incase she ever wanted to write us, but our translator had already left
and everything was lost. As I walked out
Miley looked over my shoulder and waved bye to her foster mother, Mrs. Chin. If I hadn’t already been crying, I probable would
have started then for sure!
I’m extremely thankful that Miley didn’t cry or get upset
during the visit. It just makes me feel
that they must have taken good care of her and not harmed her. She is such a relaxed and cheerful child. I feel very lucky to be her mama!
Miley rode on my back in our baby carrier most of the time
and there were so many orphanage workers that kept coming up and talking
sweetly to Miley. It was fun to see. Apparently in China (or atleast in Jinan)
parent’s don’t use baby carriers. They
only use strollers so we have gotten some pretty crazy looks from people on the
street and in the stores, but we didn’t get those reactions at the
orphanage. I think very highly of those
caregivers. In a country that sometimes
seems to not care about children especially those who have special needs, these
orphanage workers seemed different.
Tonight we while waiting for our pizzas, a lady walked over
to us and asked if we were from Australian.
(So now Jeff and I have been mistaken for Hispanics and now
Auzies!) She didn’t realize that Miley
and our friends baby are Chinese (Miley was sleep in the carrier so I guess she
couldn’t see her well). When she found
out she asked why we wanted to adopt a Chinese baby and especially a girl. She said that she and everyone else only
wants boys (she says this while holding her 2.5 year old son). That is a loaded question and one so
difficult to answer to a person that does not know the Lord and of His love and
how He adopted me! We first told her
that we saw Miley’s photo on our agencies waiting child list and fell in love
with her. Later on in the conversation I
told her that God had told us to adopt a little girl who has Down syndrome from
China. She said she had no idea what
that meant, but that it moved her. She
left the restaurant for a few minutes and later told us it was because she had
to go hide her face while she cried. Oh
Lord Jesus, please touch that woman’s heart tonight as she rests. Send your Holy Spirit to show her your
love. I know adopting a special needs
child makes no since to a non-Christian, but I have all kinds of special needs
myself and God still adopted me as his daughter. I love my Miley girl with everything in
me! She is a Bostrom all the way through
right down to the way she loves sweets like her mama and laughs (and sweats)
like her daddy!
It was really hard seeing all the kids in the
orphanage. We didn’t get to see many
rooms but when we went to see her “classroom” we passed a couple of rooms
filled with cribs. We also saw about 10
babies in cribs outside on a veranda. It
was much cooler outside, but we also think those babies must be sick right
now. One of them was hooked up to an IV. It was heartbreaking! Jeff
and I did get the chance to hand deliver a care package to a little boy from
another Knoxville family. That was very
special. He was so happy and all the
caregivers wanted to hold him and kiss him.
I can’t wait for Miley to have a Jinan cousin in Knoxville!
Today was a good day.
One I hope I don’t forget and can share with Miley one day. I am beyond excited that we didn’t have to
leave her in that pastel painted room with all the other cribs. She is going to get on a big plane in a few
days and start her new life full of happy memories and a chance at life!