Piper's First Birthday

I know every parent says this and I've said it every year with my darlings, but I really can't believe that she is 1! My sweet smiling Piper has been with us for a whole year now. We have been so blessed to have her gentle, but increasingly wild spirit in our family. The boys just adore their sister. They always have, but now that she can interact with them it is a whole new ball game. The other day I actually found Piper bouncing on the boys bed while Max and Cooper were jumping on it. Crazy kids!
Anyway, how did we celebrate her big day? Piper is one lucky girl! She had two special parties. One with Nana and Gramps and the other one with CC, Granddad, Great Grandma, Great Papa, Auntie Jo, and cousin Abby. Each was sweet in their own way.
With Nana and Gramps we ate Pei Wei for lunch and then let her dig into a bright pink princess cake. I love first birthday cake pictures!!!
With the rest of our family, we had a pic-nic in our back yard and enjoyed cupcakes that Max helped decorate.
I loved seeing how proud Max and Cooper were of their little sister turning one. Cooper sang Happy Birthday so sweetly and Max was so careful to help her in every way.
I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I love the memories!