
A friend just recently described our boys as a whirlwind...that is the perfect description of them. They are a whirlwind of excitement, emotions, and energy galore!
Cooper is the leader of their pack even though he is younger. If we can get Cooper to agree to do something Max will follow. On the other hand, if Max throws a toy Cooper is right behind him doing the same time. Cooper is talking up a storm now. He says new words and even sentences all the time, but he definitely loves the word NO. Max is so incredibly gentle with Piper. I can't tell you how much he loves his little sister and really wants to care for her. The other night we were at my parent's house and Jeff and I needed to run a quick errand. My parents were nice enough to watch them for us. Mom said that Piper got a little fussy and Max immediately came over and said "Shhshh...it's ok Piper," while putting his head next to her's and she quieted down. That is really neat. Max also is really understanding how things work mechanically. (He is his daddy's boy!) Today in the car the boy's movie stopped and he told me how to unplug the movie and then wait for it to come back on and then to push play. That's just one example...but like most moms I think my kids are the smartest kids in the world...except mine really are.
The boys are also starting to understand who God is. Cooper loves to pray and say AMEN really loudly at the end while holding his arms out like he is waiting for a hug. Max asked Jeff and I at dinner the other night to ask Jesus to help him feel better. That is so awesome! I got out the little manger scene and let the boys play with is. I told Max that Jesus loves him and he said, "That's so sweet,".
I just love these little tornadoes that run through my house and call me mom!