Summer Pictures
I took a bunch of pictures yesterday so when I uploaded the pictures from the camera to the computer I noticed that I haven't emptied the pictures in over a month...oops. I normally would not add the old pictures to the blog, but there are some really cute ones that I hope you enjoy.

Another weekend we met CC, Grandad, and our friend Mrs. Corie, Casen and Baby Layla. Max and Casen are great bud. Notice there brightly colored lips. They were enjoying a Ring Pop...Max's first. Cooper is so cute around babies right now. He loved going up to Layla and tickling her while saying "Tickle, tickle, tickle" in a really high pitch voice. After we enjoyed our hamburgers we cooled off at the splash pad. I love that place...maybe even more than the kids do.

The boys made bird feeders out of milk cartons. Yes they are beautifully decorated with stickers. I love that they have their paint shirts on and we didn't even use paint...yes mama must have gotten lazy to not use paint.

We took a weekend trip to Roanoke, VA. While we were there we went to a really neat train museum. The boys LOVED it!!! Max was especially funny when he saw the train stop light. He would not let any of us pass the light until it turned green. Yes that meant that Cooper got tired and just sat down to wait.

We have a wonderful park near us in Roane County and the boys and I have really enjoyed it this summer. I love the pictures of the boys holding hands chasing the ducks. Cooper loves holding Max's hand. It is so sweet! It is nice and shady and has a newly opened splash pad too! You can't go wrong with shade, water, and a picnic lunch in this heat!

Our church hosted a movie on the lawn night. We all brought lawn chairs and watched Jungle Book. (Well we watched most of it before the boys broke down and were ready for bed.) Max loves Jungle Book. He calls it "March" because his favorite part of the movie is when the elephants are marching and saying "March, 2, 3, 4...". I love seeing life through toddler eyes.

One Saturday that Jeff had to work the boys and I met CC and Grandad at a hobby store and we let the boys play trains. What a better way to spend a Saturday morning!
Another weekend we met CC, Grandad, and our friend Mrs. Corie, Casen and Baby Layla. Max and Casen are great bud. Notice there brightly colored lips. They were enjoying a Ring Pop...Max's first. Cooper is so cute around babies right now. He loved going up to Layla and tickling her while saying "Tickle, tickle, tickle" in a really high pitch voice. After we enjoyed our hamburgers we cooled off at the splash pad. I love that place...maybe even more than the kids do.

The boys made bird feeders out of milk cartons. Yes they are beautifully decorated with stickers. I love that they have their paint shirts on and we didn't even use paint...yes mama must have gotten lazy to not use paint.
We took a weekend trip to Roanoke, VA. While we were there we went to a really neat train museum. The boys LOVED it!!! Max was especially funny when he saw the train stop light. He would not let any of us pass the light until it turned green. Yes that meant that Cooper got tired and just sat down to wait.
We have a wonderful park near us in Roane County and the boys and I have really enjoyed it this summer. I love the pictures of the boys holding hands chasing the ducks. Cooper loves holding Max's hand. It is so sweet! It is nice and shady and has a newly opened splash pad too! You can't go wrong with shade, water, and a picnic lunch in this heat!
Our church hosted a movie on the lawn night. We all brought lawn chairs and watched Jungle Book. (Well we watched most of it before the boys broke down and were ready for bed.) Max loves Jungle Book. He calls it "March" because his favorite part of the movie is when the elephants are marching and saying "March, 2, 3, 4...". I love seeing life through toddler eyes.