Mother's Day Thoughts

This Mother's day have been very special and thought provoking for me. Yes, my "boys" gave me a wonderful Mother's Day gift of an oh so comfortable-bright red lawn chair to use while camping or watching them play outside. Cooper woke me us nice and early to give me a special Mother's Day smile that only he can give and Max made me my first Mother's Day picture at church this morning complete with his darling hand print. When I saw it he said, "Paint hand...paint hand at church,". It is so amazing to me that he is starting to recognize places that we visit often especially church. When we pulled into our parking place this morning he exclaimed Church! That brings me to what has been going through my red-head today. How do I as a mom, with my husband, bring up our family to be passionately in love with our Christ? We are raising two men for Jesus and are getting a chance to raise another child this Fall. Just the thought is so overwhelming and so amazingly exciting at the same time. There is a reason God gave Jeffrey and I Max, Cooper, and our new little bundle. A specific reason, I hope we don't screw it up.
My parent's watched the kids tonight allowing Jeff and I to go on a much needed date. Over dinner Jeffrey brought up this topic unknowing that it has been on my mind all day. We came to the conclusion that we can not raise our children as God has truely intended us to unless we get passionately in love with Him first.
If you think of us, please say a prayer for us that we will take this relationship with Christ more seriously. We are tired of being "Sunday Christians"...we want to be one of those crazy radicals whose kids can't help but love on Jesus even more than we can imagine. I want to hear my kids exclaim Church every Sunday with excitement, but I can't wait to hear them exclaim Jesus.