Our Anniversary

Jeffrey and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary today. Well I guess it is midnight right now so technically we celebrated yesterday, January 1st. As we were straightening up the house this morning, Jeff found a CD labeled Jebecca. We he put it in the computer we found a lot of pictures of when we were dating. Most of our dates were outdoors either on the lake paddling or in the mountains hiking. We have so many wonderful memories. As Jeffrey and I sat at a table for 10 at Wasabis and watched the Japanese chef prepare our food in front of us, we talked about some of our favorite memories from these last 5 years. He first mentioned being a family..a growing one and how much fun that has been. We both agreed that camping has always been a highlight and I just loved our trip to New York City and finding that little Thai restaurant that only the locals frequented. I just can't believe that it has already been five years. On one side it feels like the time has flown by without much time has passing and the other seems like we have always been together. It is so amazing how you pray for someone for so long before even meeting them and when you do it is so evident that God put the two of you together.