A Wet Saturday Night
We got to go in a boat on the lake!!!!
We were so excited! Recently Max, Cooper, and I met a really nice mom and her son in our playgroup and it turned out that they actually live out here in the county about 4 min. from our house. (We didn't know other fun people lived this far out in the boonies..except our neighbors of course.) They go out on the lake almost every night and invited us to join them. We had such a blast together. They have a son that is only 2 months older than Max and they really got along well. It was so fun to watch Max experience a boat and swimming in the lake for the first time. "Bobbing" in the water was so relaxing and yes of course Max loved it. Cooper, thankfully, rested in the boat while we were "bobbing". Cooper did so well on the boat. The motion of the water and the warm wind hitting him relaxed him as well. He slept most of the time we were out on the lake. I would call that a success! While Cooper was taking a snooze in my arms, Jeff and Max took a ride on a tube behind the boat. At one point Jeff said Max went limp and we watched him try to get his attention (yes we did stop the boat at that point). It turned out that Max was so relaxed in his dad's arms that he feel asleep! That was so funny. We joked with Jeremy and Julie that the next time we can't get Max to nap we would call them up for a ride on their tube. We finished out the night with a grilled dinner at there house. Max and his new friend, John D. were so hyper after dinner that they ran around the house making all kinds of silly noises and laughing. What did Cooper have for dinner? He ate an entire jar of baby pears! I can't believe how much this kid is eating already. (Side note- I have been giving him rice cereal and he has been eating it so aggressively that I thought I would let him try some pears. He is a serious eater! Not a single drip of pears gets out his mouth.) I can't remember the last time we had dinner with friends and actually got to talk while Max and Cooper were happy playing. It was so wonderful!
The boys were so exhausted when we put them in the car that they both feel asleep with a minute of our 4 minute drive home! The last picture is Cooper when we got home...so sweet!
The first picture, Max looks upset because he wanted to play not take a picture...typical toddler...hehe.
The first picture, Max looks upset because he wanted to play not take a picture...typical toddler...hehe.