It is just amazing how little time I have to do common things like sleep and blog with a toddler and a 2 month old, so I will try to recap our week now.
Jeff and I have been signing to Max since he was about 9 months old and last week he actually started to sign back to us! He will now sign to us when he wants something to eat, when he is finished, and more. He is trying a lot of other signs and it is so exciting to see him trying to communicate with us. This picture shows him watching his "Baby Signing Time" DVD and trying out the sign for washing hands. It is so wonderful that he can look at me and sign "food" instead of crying because he is hungry!
Super Cooper's adorable smiles are becoming much bigger and more common. His little personality is starting to shine through!

Wednesday the boys and I went to visit my Aunt Gregory and Uncle Lawrence along with my Grandma, Joanna, and her fiance Matt. It was such a sweet trip. Uncle Lawrence was so nervous to hold little Cooper, but I made sure that he held him. He seemed so happy! After Uncle Lawrence held him Aunt Gregory got her turn and Cooper liked her so much he slept on her for almost 2 hours. It was just too sweet! Max was way too busy to stop for a hug, but he did run around the "track" that circled their kitchen until he was all tired and sweaty. It was a nice visit that we will have to make again soon.

Last Saturday Matt proposed to my sister Joanna! We are all so excited for them! They set the date for September 5, 2009, so they are not wasting any time in planing. They don't have very long and there is so much to do! So Thursday Joanna asked me to come and help her at her first dress fitting at the bridal shop. Here I was with two boys in the middle of thunder storm in David's Bridal. Cooper is still very mobile...we can take him anywhere very easily. Max on the other hand is not so much. He did not find the dress fitting very exciting, BUT the walls of mirrors and about 20 empty dressing rooms to run in and out of were just too cool! You can imagine what he did! Let's just say that when we left his forehead was red from running into them. He was just trying to play with that other kid.That's all I have so I guess this is "To be continued..."