Babies change everything! That is the ultimate understatement. I found a picture of me my sophmore year of college on a mission trip to Vancouver. It is amazing how rested I looked. There wasn't any spit up or ketchup on me. My hair was fixed and I even had make-up on! (Not to mention some odd pounds lighter.) I showed Jeff the picture and he lovingly said that the only difference between the picture and now is that I use to shower and wear make up daily. He was joking...but oh too true. Babies also change some aspects of a marriage. We use to go out for ice cream at 10pm or play cards all hours of the night. We were spontaneous and full of life. Now we are still up at all hours of the night, but it is to comfort and feed our two darlings. We are still spontaneous, but it just takes us a day to prepare for it. One thing is still true, we are definitely full of life. We have doubled our family and with that comes double the laughs and double the fun times-there are just a few more pacifiers and bottels included. But you know, babies change more things than the mother's apperence or a marriage. I was reminded of this as I watched and heard Jeff singing "I See the Moon" as he picked Max up to go to bed. These boys have given us the kind of joy that our parent's spoke of, the kind that we never quite understood until they were born, until they looked at us and smiled. They have also given us a ton more things to worry and stress out about, but they have taught Jeff and I that we have to cling to eachother more than ever if we are going to make this family work. Our boys will not ever know how much they have changed my physical body or our spontaneous adventures, but they will know that their parents loved eachother.