Daddy's Boy

Max and I spend about 9 hours a day together-just the two of us. We have fun. We play with cars, trains, and balls "oh my"-we eat and get really messy-we even try to take walks outside and look at the birdies when it is warm enough...BUT everything changes at about 4pm. Max knows that daddy will be coming home soon and he thinks that every moment between 4:00 and whenever he comes home from work is an eternity (and he will not be happy until daddy is around).

In Max's Head

"Life is really fun with daddy! He throws me up in the air and catches me. He laughs with me when I get...or put peas all over my face, cloths, chair, floor, dogs, or whatever. Bath time is really cool because we talk and laugh and scream our heads off and mom is not around to tell us to clean up the water I splashed on the floor. After bath daddy helps me get my p.j.s on and then he plays with me. We have so much fun crawling and oh yes laughing a lot. I really like when dad reads to me before bed time...I think he likes me...and I know I like him."


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