2 Day and 11 hours!

Only 2 days and 11 hours until we board a plane at the Knoxville airport.  Our kids have never been on a plane before (except Max would say that he did when he was a baby).....so that being said their first experience on a plane is going to be a doozie of a ride!  In case you are interested, we will fly from Knoxville to Atlanta, Atlanta to Seattle, then Seattle to Beijing.  We will stay in Beijing for a couple of days getting over jet lag and visiting with family.  We are pretty lucky to have cousins who have lived in Beijing for many years and are willing to show us the sights.  Next, we will take a bullet train from Beijing to Jinan, Shandong Province.  Jinan, you may remember, is where our Miley is from.  We will be staying the same hotel that we stayed in four years ago when we adopted her sweetness.  We are excited to return.  Our son, Theo, lives a few hours outside Jinan.  We will get our hands on our son next Monday!  We have no idea how we will meet him.  All the itinerary says is, "Monday: receive your child".  We might travel to his orphanage, we could meet him at a civil affairs office, or maybe will be brought to us at the hotel.  We will see...   A few days after "gotcha" day, we will take a plane from Jinan to Guangzhou which is where we will take him to a medical appointment and to the U.S. consulate.  After we are cleared by medical staff and the U.S. consulate, we will be able to return home....Guangzhou to Beijing, Beijing to Detroit, then Detroit back to Knoxville!  

So that's the adoption trip in a nutshell.  It's pretty much the only thing I'm thinking about these days!  


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