Busy Busy Day

Tuesday February 23, 2016

    Today was the longest day.  Yesterday, we received Jasper and started the documents to finalizing the adoption.  Today we went back to the civil affairs office where we received the official adoption papers.  After this it was off to the Yellow River Notary.  Jasper and I had our picture taken with some lady (I think the notary) and the Chinese flag.  Dad wasn't there to get a picture of this moment...whatever it was.  After our second stop we set off on our 3 hour car ride to Jaspers home town (Sanmenxia) to apply for the passport.  We arrived at the passport office to discover that the power was out.  Fears of having to come back another day were creeping in.  We decided to go to the orphanage and come back later.  As we were walking out of the building the power came back on.  The picture was a little difficult as they are very picky for the passport.  Apparently both ears have to be showing, face straight up and down…  Finally one was to their liking.  We went into the next office where i was asked details about our family and if I knew Jaspers health status.  It was almost like an adoption interview, but it was for the passport.  Once finished we hopped back into the van.  Off to the orphanage.  There we found the most loving caregivers.  As we walked in every adult called out his name, JiaHe.  Jasper started smiling.  He was excited to see his place.  On the way out we looked into the older kids rooms and also the therapy room where we met his therapist.  The whole process was extremely emotional. Dad and had to hold back our emotions.  After seeing his home we were off to the hotel, another long 3 hr car ride.  It was an exhausting day.




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