Day 14: August 8, 2014
Day 14: August 8, 2014
Today was
the big doctor’s appointment day, but before we got on the bus to see the doc
we had to fill up on breakfast. Shiyan
(our Bethany contact here in China) met us for breakfast at our hotel today so
she showed me how to order rice noodles from the noodle bar. She helped me pick out which meat I wanted
added and then showed me how I needed to add a little soy and then some broth
to the bowl for flavor. I have
absolutely loved learning what new food I enjoy eating.
So now to
the big part of the day, Miley had to see a nurse station for temperature and
measurements, then to the general doc, next she saw an ENT for throat and ears,
and then lastly to have blood drawn. The
nurses would not allow parents to go with their child to have blood drawn, so
that made me nervous. All the kids were
coming back to their new parent’s with huge tears, except our Miley girl. She was carried out by the nurse and babbling
something while smiling. I’m pretty sure
she was trying to tell me what the nurses did and to show me her band-aid. I couldn’t believe it and the other parent’s
just laughed and said that’s Miley! I’m
glad that part is over although we have to go back to the doctor Monday morning
with two other families because we were around one of the children who had
Chicken Pox when she came from the orphanage.
We are pretty sure that Miley doesn’t have it, but the doctor has to
confirm that she doesn’t have it before the US will let us bring her home. I’m really not worried a bit about it and
don’t want you to be. The family with
the child with chicken pox kept her away from the rest of us until the pox
dried up (about a week).
doctor’s office was very nice and so were all the physicians. They actually had a separate wing for
adoptive families. Guangzhou is the last
stop for all adoptive families in China so I’m sure they see a lot of foreign
families with Chinese cuties.
little miss wouldn’t nap today (again) we went for a walk around the city. We found a park that has a beautiful lake in
the middle of it. We also found an art
gallery in the park. It was so cool with
air conditioning we just had to go in and we really enjoyed the art too. Today’s temperture only got up 97 degrees,
but the heat index got up to 107 degrees!
Right now at 8:30pm the heat index is still at 104 degrees and it has
been dark for 2.5 hours! This heat is
amazing!!! We are really trying to not
let it stop us…and yes we are drinking tons of bottled water!