Day 10: August 4, 2014

Day 10: August 4, 2014


Today we had a real adventure with some real Beijing residence.   Today our group left on a plane for Guangzhou and we stayed back. We have two extra days here in Beijing to spend time with Jeff’s cousin Joel and his lovely wife Alice.   We had an absolutely wonderful time with them today.

            The day started off rainy, so Jeff, Miley, and I started the day off sitting under and umbrella near a koi pond at the hotel.  The umbrella was large enough that we didn’t get rained on.  It was so wonderful to just get to sit and enjoy God’s rain.  Peaceful is the best word I can come up with so much so that Miley feel asleep in my arms just listening to the rain hit the water.  

            A little after lunch, we met Joel and Alice with umbrellas and a stuffed panda for Miley in hand.  Miley absolutely loves the panda.  She held it in front of her little face and shook she was so excited.  When she is excited, her whole body smiles, not just her face.  I love this girl so much! 

            After chatting for a bit, they led us to the China World Trade Center and we had tea and pastries on the 80th floor!   It was so fancy and so much fun.  (Please imagine me in this swanky place wearing my moisture wicking clothing and big, fat outdoor tennis shoes. My skin and crazy hair was not the only thing that made me stick out today. Hehehe) While we were there the rain stopped and when it cleared it took the smog with it.  For the first time since we arrived in China 10 days ago we were able to see the clouds and sun!  We also were able to see the beautiful mountains that surround Beijing.  I had no idea how truly breathtaking this city is.   I also had no idea how much Miley loves tea and dessert!  Piper is going to love having a sister to have tea parties with!  She’s my China doll.

            From the Trade Center we took a Taxi to a park near the Forbidden City.  On the taxi ride, our driver drifted backwards and ran into a car.  He was clearly at fault, but some how convinced the lady he hit that it was her fault and she gave him 300 Yuan which is the equivalent to about $50.  When he got back in the car he said something about “women driver”!   It was so entertaining.

            We did make it to the park in one piece and with only one minor car crash.  The park was very calm and peaceful.  The temperature had dropped at this point to around 70 something and can’t tell you how good it felt after the heat we have been experiencing here.  The park had several pavilion type places that were hundreds of years old going up a hill.  From the top of the hill we could see a 360 degree view of the city and without the smog it was so breathtaking. 

            It was getting closer to sunset by this point, so after staying at the top of the hill for a while Joel and Alice took us for a walk to a restaurant.  When we got there the waitress explained to Alice that their electricity was out and they didn’t know when it would come back, but we were welcome to eat by candlelight.  Of course we were game!  This restaurant like many others in the city, are multi story.  It seemed that the first and sixth floors are the restaurant and the second through fifth were apartments.  Since the electricity was out, we had to walk up the six flights of stairs to get to our table…. again…very entertaining passing people’s laundry hanging in the stairways as we climb to the sixth floor.  Joel and Alice graciously ordered dinner for us.  So here is how dinner went, they brought each of us a copper pot that sat on top of a burner with a flame.  It was some kind of gas burner.  Our pot was filled with a kind of meet broth and Joel and Alice’s was filled with water.  Then they started bringing us raw lamb and vegetables for us to boil in our personal pots.  It was so fun.  The food was wonderful!  I hope I cooked my food long enough, but if I didn’t I will know soon enough.  Hehe.  Dinner lasted between 2-3 hours and Miley did amazingly!  She tried all the food we gave her and loved it.  She was happy and didn’t fuss the whole time.  The electricity did come back on about 15 minutes after we arrived so the while night wasn’t by candlelight. 

            After dinner our hosts put us on a cab and sent us to our hotel.  Today was full of good company, food, and memories.  Thanks for everything Joel and Alice! 


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