My Baby is 4!

My baby is 4! That's just crazy. So we celebrate! So we had 3 parties for Max...don't smile just yet. The first one was at Nana and Gramps house. Nana made the coolest airplane cake complete with runway...yes I said made. I can't tell you how excited the boys were about that cake. The next one was planned for him to party with his friends on his actual birthday, December 29. Stomach I need to explain...yes all 5 of us...lovely! We ate the cake a couple of days later...yum. Max's last party was a week later and it was the best and easiest party I've planned so far! Let me back up a bit. Last summer we took the boys to see Cars 2 in the theater. It was their first theater experience. There was a preview for Alvin and The Chipmunks (3 I think). Ever since he saw that preview he has been talking about it and yes he knew that it would come to the theater on his birthday. That is ALL that he has wanted. To go to the theater with his buddies to s...