We are HOME!!!

Well we are finally in our new house...a few boxes still sitting around...lot of pictures still leaning up against walls...a bunch of kids playing everywhere!!!

We love our new place in the "big city" of Knoxville. The kids seemed to adjust so quickly, not really even missing a beat. I was a bit nervous about them. Jeff and I have put them through so many new changes. First we sold our cute blue house in the county and moved in with my parents (they LOVED that), they started a new mom's day out program with new everything, then we left CC and Grandad's house and moved into our new house, and then to top it off the boys got new teachers at "school". They are such troopers!

Our home feels very natural now; almost like we have been here for years except for all the boxes and mess....well I guess we always have messes in this family! We have a back yard that is comparable to any park in the area. There are 6 mature maple trees that give us so much shade. The last owners left their cute playset...how perfect! We have much more room to be a family in this house and I sure hope we get to be here for a long time. (I don't want to move again any time soon!)

So on a much more personal note, God has really been revealing alot to Jeff and I lately. Mostly about the future and our family. Some of the things He is telling us are really exciting and others really make me nervous. He is in control and we are waiting patiently for Him to fully reveal His plan to us. If you think about us, please ask God to give us understanding and an open mind and heart. Loving it!!!


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