Piper News!

Our little girl is already 4 months old!!! I can't believe I haven't taken the time to post her adorable pictures...or maybe when the kids finally go to bed, I fall asleep too..hehe. Piper's latest accomplishments is learning how to roll over and eating rice cereal! What a big girl she is.

We were all sitting down for dinner while Piper played on her play-mat when she surprised herself by rolling over! It was so funny. Max and Cooper starting saying over and over, "She rolled over!". Piper didn'
t really know what to do for a the few minutes it took for me to take these adorable pictures. That was about 3 weeks ago now. Today she actually rolled over onto her belly, got frustrated, and rolled back onto her back. It only happened once, but it happened!I started feeding her rice cereal two weeks ago. I love the pictures of her first tastes. She looks so confused and worried at the same time...so sweet. It only took her about 4 or 5 days to really get the hang of eating the ticker food that came from a spoon not mommy. The next thing we knew she caught a cold from her loving brothers who want to share everything with her. Last week she didn't want to eat anything from a spoon, but now that she is feeling better she is eating a ton and loving it!!! I really hope this new food will help her start sleeping longer through the night. That is every parent's secret dream for their child...it's not some sweet, elegant wish for their child...it is sleep!

Piper's smiles are so cute and wonderful. I hope you can see her sweet dimples on those sweet cheeks!


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