
Showing posts from October, 2009
So my sister has been bugging me about updating this blog. So rry Jo...but here is an update. Two weekends that seems like a long time grandparents (Chastains) and Joanna came ove r for a visit. Ma x sh owed Grandma and his Auntie Jo how to paint pumpkins and gourds. Ma x w as s o proud of himself, Auntie Jo laughed the whole time (and got Max very messy), and Grandma was very nervous about the mess being made. HEHEHE! The sam e d ay , Jeff and Max went and got us some wood for our wood stove. Max even helped stack to the wood. Cooper HATES carrots, garden veggies, squash, and sweet potatoes. Basically any veggie that I have given him the kid gives me a funny face! Strangely enough, when he tried his first lemon he gave that funny face, but kept eating it. Crazy boy! Along with all these first foods, he can enjoy them with a view from a high chair now! Max went potty in the POTTY! I'm sure this was just a crazy fluke, but the other day Max pulled at ...

Weekend with Great Grans

We had great weekend with the boy's Great Grandparents Chastain. We went to a pumpkin festival and played with some pumpkins. Jeff and I put the boys in their Halloween costumes to get some pics. We got a few cute pictures. After the festival we went to Metcalf (sp?) Bottoms to have a picnic. It was so nice to be in the mountains! Max and Cooper sure do like to play with their Big Pop Pop and and Great Grandma.