Day 5- Orphanage Visit

Today has been a long day of traveling! We are actually still in the van driving back to the hotel as I’m typing. But today has been completely beautiful. After a four hour drive on a highway that is under construction and the speed limit is only 45 mph…..yes only 45mph….we made it the Weifang Orphanage. Theo jumped out of the car and ran to the orphanage director’s arms (he called her something mama). It was just so amazing watching her and everyone else hug and want to be with our son. Theodore was so proud to take us around his home of the last four and a half years. He pulled me from room to room and talked so fast to everyone. I have no idea what he was saying, but he sure was happy. Every once in a while, he would exclaim, “Mama” and run for me to hold him. Be still my heart! Then something so sweet happened. He was sitting in ...