Here we go again...

I haven't touched this blog in almost two years! TWO YEARS! Life changed again and I got busy in my new life.... God is moving us again.... He is teaching us to lean on Him every moment of every day, because we are not perfect and do not have all the answers or cures, or therapies to help everyone at every moment. A friend told me this morning that "trusting God is big and scary and sometimes feels really dumb, but His plan is ALWAYS better than our plans even if we can't see it". We have committed ourselves to following God wherever and however he tells us to no matter what the world says is normal. We are growing as a family again. We are choosing to adopt a child who is waiting for a family...a special needs child who doesn't have hope in an orphanage. Our family is far from perfect, but our God that we serve is perfect in every way and his plan is perfect to bring Him glory and Him alone. "This God--his...