Day 6: July 31, 2014

Today was a very long and HOT day! It was our last day in Jinan which is bitter sweet. It is our daughter’s home town and probably the last time she will be here, but also means that we are getting that much closer to taking her to her forever home in Knoxville. Our guide, John, took us to an area of natural springs that had a park build around them. Originally the springs made up a mote around the city walls, but when the Communist party “liberated” them (as John says) they turned it into a park and monument where the exact spot where the Communist solders penetrated the city of Jinan. It was really beautiful and was filled with lots of people enjoying their day. We did a ton of people watching and photographing as we walked around, but I’m pretty sure we were more of an attraction than the springs to the locals. We were stopped so many times to have our photos taken with the people. Most people asked for photos wi...