All Praises!!!

I have so much to write about my beautiful family. How Piper is starting to take her first steps. She can balance herself now and gets so excited before taking a couple of steps. She will be walking everywhere by Christmas!!! What a great gift. I need to write about how the boys are blossoming before my eyes! Their creativity is growing daily. They pretend play all day. The latest games are hotel. We were blessed to stay in a hotel over Thanksgiving near Jeff's parent's house and the boys LOVED it! They pretend that their closet it the elevator and each bedroom is a different hotel room. The teacher in me can't wait to read their stories that they will write one day. Jeff and I are making great progress with our adoption application. We have made appointments with our doctors for our adoption physicals and are gathering documents like crazy. God is blessing! Money is more times than we care to count, the center of worry, but God never worries about that. We ...